Self-Realization Fellowship Blog

Los Angeles Wildfires and Self-Realization Fellowship

January 12, 2025


As you know, multiple wildfires have caused widespread devastation across Los Angeles.

Like you, we are deeply moved by the acts of courage, kindness, and generosity taking place across the city, in the spirit of service to others. 

Paramahansa Yogananda’s spiritual family of SRF/YSS members and friends has also responded, from around the globe, praying for the safety and well-being of the firefighters, for all those affected by the fires, and for those working to help their communities and neighbors to stay safe at this crucial time.

We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your prayers, concern, and the many offers of help that you have extended to SRF and to all affected by this disaster.

Gratitude for Your Concern for SRF Lake Shrine and Pacific Palisades Community

We are so grateful that our worldwide SRF/YSS family was also praying around the clock for the Self-Realization Fellowship Lake Shrine during the fires that surrounded it.

We are heartened that the SRF Lake Shrine was spared, and will remain a sanctuary of peace, beauty, and divine solace — vitally needed in the coming weeks and months — a place for many future generations to discover and benefit from the sacred, uplifting vibrations emanating from this spiritual center, as foreseen by Paramahansa Yogananda. (See latest updates about the SRF Lake Shrine and the wildfire in Pacific Palisades.)   

Thank you for your concern for the SRF monks at the Lake Shrine. Many of you have reached out to offer support to Self-Realization Fellowship monks at the SRF Lake Shrine who were living and working out of the ashram buildings that were destroyed in the fire. We are not able to receive individual care packages at this time, but please know that the monks’ needs are well provided for by SRF, and please receive our thanks for your kind offer. If you would like to help SRF provide what is needed, or to contribute toward recovery efforts on the grounds, donations to SRF are welcome.

Help and Support for Those in Need

SRF monks and nuns who serve as ministers and counselors are available to help, listen to, and pray with those who may be in distress because of the fires in Los Angeles, and to offer comfort and perspective from the all-embracing teachings of our Guru. (Spiritual counseling is a resource that SRF offers to members and friends worldwide at all times of the year.)

  • For spiritual counseling, we invite you to call the SRF International Headquarters: (323) 225-2471

As part of the Self-Realization Fellowship Prayer Council, monastics also pray daily for all those who request prayers for physical, mental, and spiritual healing; and for world peace. 

  • Request prayers for yourself, your loved ones, or anyone in need at this or any other time. 

Self-Realization Fellowship is making monetary donations to several organizations working on relief and recovery efforts for those affected by the Los Angeles wildfires:

  • California Community Foundation is a 110-year-old Los Angeles-based foundation's Wildfire Recovery Fund addressing long-term recovery needs like temporary housing, rebuilding homes, mental health and medical care. It also provides updated equipment to firefighters and helps rebuild emergency communications systems. 
  • California Fire Foundation, a non-profit organization, provides emotional and financial assistance to families of fallen firefighters and the communities they protect. Formed in 1987 by California Professional Firefighters, the California Fire Foundation’s mandate includes an array of survivor assistance projects and community initiatives.
  • Core (Community Organized Relief Effort) is a global humanitarian organization that delivers immediate response and long-term recovery solutions to underserved communities across the globe.   

Those in need of material help may wish to contact one of the above charities; and those who want to help others’ material needs may also wish to be in touch with these or similar charities, such as are often listed in the news media.

Additional Ways You Can Help

Local Food and Clothing Drive: The SRF Temples in Southern California (Glendale, Hollywood, Fullerton, Encinitas, and San Diego) that were not affected by the wildfires are organizing donations to local charities in Los Angeles helping with relief efforts. Please contact your local temple to learn more about how to contribute.

The United Power of Prayer: The prayers of the monks and nuns are augmented by the Worldwide Prayer Circle­ — composed of SRF members and friends around the globe ­who pray daily for all those in need. 

  • Join us in serving others around the world, and the cause of world peace, through the dynamic power of prayer.

Please check this webpage as we continue to update it with further information and resources for those who need help, and those who want to contribute. 

Spiritual Guidance in Troubled Times

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Mary Bondeson

Miracles happen through hard work, by using our hands and feet and bodies to bring into physical manifestation that which we envision. May God & Guru bless the devotee family who stood guard over this sacred place & struggled to fight the flames that threatened to engulf it.


Guruji has written about Lake Shrine as -“One of the most beautiful estates in the world, a floral wonderland in the Pacific Palisades section of Los Angeles,”…Lake Shrine is enshrined in our hearts…Thank You Guruji for this gift to all mankind

Jim Holbrook

The Lake Shrine’s miraculous survival in the deadly fires is a call for all of us to love one another. The Court of Religions is, for me, a statement of inclusion and a message from God and Gurus to find truth together.

Gingher L.

May the Lake Shrine continue to be a sanctuary of hope for all those whose hearts are broken, and a jewel of respite for all who are still working tirelessly to combat the disaster. Thank you Brother Chidananda, your beautiful words brought peace and hope to so many devotees and friends. To the Assad family, and all the firefighters and first responders, our deepest love and gratitude for your heroism, strength, and courage. To the monastics and staff who will be navigating the future of the Lake Shrine, know that your world family loves and supports you in Divine friendship.

christine céré

to the Asaad family, Accept my deep gratitude for saving Lake Shrine, warriors of the flames, tiredlessly facing the wind and swirling flames for long hours. You saved a beautiful spiritual site on this earth- it bears the memory of Yogananda's footsteps, his feet walked and blessed this soil and water. Be blessed dear souls, well beyond what my poor words could honor. I am sure, from these vibratory elevated places where dwells the great Ones, they are surrounded by countless grateful souls, as it is on this earth. I love you for what you've done. Thank you, a canadian devotee

Susan Siegel

Some wise words from Master: Our greatest lessons are often embedded in our greatest pain. We cry to the heavens unaware that we are growing stronger and wiser even as we plead for mercy. God bless all those affected by these wildfires, may God and Gurus strengthen you!


Love, prayers and light to all those affected. May Divine mother help all. Jai guru

Rosemary E

Having just visited the Lake Shrine Temple and grounds a few days before the fire while on vacation, and still bathed in the healing balm of this sacred place, my husband and I were deeply troubled by the report of fires threatening it. The extraordinary survival of the Lake Shine is a testimony to the triple power of prayer, service and alignment with God and Gurus. I wept with joy and relief as I listened to Brother Chidananda's healing words. We are so blessed!

Linda Simchai

Dear SRF family in California,
We are filled with immense gratitude and reassurance, knowing you are all under the protection, guidance, blessings, and love of God and Guru.
You are in our hearts and prayers continuously,
Your SRF family in Israel

Amar Purohit

Can't thank Gurudev enough for His grace!
Am amazed at the 'script' .... Guruji prepared the 3 fire marshals (family) years in advance as He knew that they will be needed to save our beloved Lake Shrine from this inferno!
Can we ever think the Guruji is not with us?

Our intense prayers continue for the SRF monks and members and also for all others.
All will be well!

Sue Cacibauda

Hello SRF Worldwide family,
God and Gurus are my anchor in the storms of life.
I am eternally grateful to Brother Chitananda for his inspiring message and blog updates on our Sacred Lake Shrine sites. Thank you for the brave firefighter devotees (Master’s Angels) who protected Lake Shrine and for ALL FIREFIGHTERS who continue their work to extinguish fires and protect people and property!!!!
Prayers continue for safety, compassion, Divine protection, love and kindness for all affected.
Jai Gurus, Jai Ma

Anna Rita Polato Spanò

Dopo il satsanga di Brother Chidanandaji provo solo amore nel mio cuore e speranza per l'umanità, con la certezza che gli insegnamenti di Guruji tramandati da bro. Chidanandaji e dalla SRF vivranno per sempre per guidare gli essere umani ad essere migliori e a camminare veloci verso Dio e la Madre Divina.
Grazie Brotherji, ho sentito la tua umanità e il tuo amore divino. Sei nostro Padre e Guida e ci stai tenendo per mano.


Thank you Brother Chidanandaji and all SRF/YSS monastics and volunteers. Thank you so much for thinking of all of us and taking time to reassure us, to guide us in humility, prayer and service , to be thankful for Lake Shrine but at same time to hold firefighters, first responders, every service person and people affected close in our prayers. Thank you especially to the Assad Family for their selfless service. Words seem insufficient to express the gratitude. Will continue praying. Thank and Jai Guru


These words say what I feel exactly, too…deepest gratitude and continuing love and prayers to all.

Lily DunlopMallika

Thankyou / these words are what I would say too… Brotger Chidanandajis presentation went straight to the heart. Love Peace Kindness & Gratitude

James Ehrmin

Brother Chidinanda's message was so touching and covered everything so eloquently. I wept. What really struck me was the message of peace and how he expressed the core of Master's teaching and that Lake Shrine was saved for us all, not just devotees and can be visited when it reopens and people can experience that blissful, healing peace real time.

We are all truly blessed. My eternal thanks to all who protect our sacred

Karen Y,

What a miracle! As I sat and watched the fire surround our beloved Lake Shrine, I immediately put a bubble of protection around it and asked God, the Masters and the Angels to surround the bubble and hold the flames back. What a miracle it made it through! I am truly grateful to the Asaad family for their whole hearted efforts to keep the Lake Shrine safe! Thank you Brother Chidananda for showing us exactly what was happening at the time, and for the peace, love and direction you have given us. It brought me to tears! Continued prayers of healing to all who have been affected by this tragedy.

Larry and Randy Wagner

So grateful to Brother Chidanandaji for his lucid, calming and reassuring presentation of the ongoing situation at Lake Shrine. God bless the Asaad family, firefighters and monastics , who gave their all to save our beloved Lake Shrine. We bow to you all. Jai Guru, Jai Ma

anthony lambertLarry and Randy Wagner

On YouTube yesterday 13th in UK I saw by chance or was it? a firefighter extinguishing a fire on the perimeter hedge of Lake shrine by the entrance sign, I think it was live and I have been concerned about the outcome,the air was thick with smoke, with high winds forecast, are there any updates ?
Love and prayers ,keep safe. UK

Jene Townsend

Can't read blog as font color and contrast are too light.
Can you 0lease help?

gabriel matos

God stay with us and yogananda s work. Yogananda always teaching us love ALL realigion, love the world the people .now i pray for ALL your work and the people living there god stay with you


I find myself speechless and yet my very being is full of love and gratitude and awe. It is with great prayfull gratitude i thank Brother Chidananda, all the Monasticss, the Assad family, THE LA FIREFIGHTERS, and the neighbors helping one another. My soulful sympathy to all who have lost their cherished homes, emplyment, and special neighborhoods........ A tragedy that brought light into the world......hard to see right love and prayers to you all.


Thank you so much for organizing this. I want to note that most shelters are at capacity for used clothes and are turning it away.

Terra Kelsey

Feeling so much gratitude to Brotherji for embracing our hearts with love and divine friendship, our minds with clarity and focus on recovery, and our souls with humble awareness of God and Gurus Presence as protection and mercy. So grateful to be part of this brave and loving family of souls. With you in prayerful support of the communities in Los Angeles.

Martin Madsen

Thank you for all these beautiful ways that we can help. My wife and I have been and will continue to pray for Lake Shrine and the other SRF temples, ashrams, and gardens; for the brave firefighters; and for all of our soul family in Los Angeles. May God and the Great Ones protect the city of angels. Jai Guru!

Leslie in Oklahoma

Witnessing the miracle of these sacred spots being spared is beautiful. Heartfelt thanks to the Assad family for their courage and commitment to preserving this sanctuary from life's hardships. My prayers are with those working to ease the suffering of neighbors and colleagues. I hope to visit once the fires are out and the rebuilding winds blow. Meanwhile, much love to you and yours. The guru's gifts continue as great things happen around you. Until we meet again, may you feel safe and be well.

Michael and Jane Dacey

Our most heartfelt appreciation and prayers for our three kriyaban heroes who cast their own personal safety aside to save the beloved Lake Shrine for SRF and the world. Also for their fellow firefighters and those monastics directly affected as well as everyone else in Pacific Palasades and Los Angeles. We love you all.

Paul KrauseMichael and Jane Dacey

Jai Guru, Jai Chidanandaji -- so spiritually captivating was the fellowship by word, thought and prayer last night, facilitated by Brother Chidananda! Just like in the cataclysmic war of Kurukshetra, our three heroes (the Assad family) became instruments of our Guru to battle the raging fires of Maya. So many blessings from our line of Avatars, no doubt sending much needed healing light and love to our SRF family and all of the residents in Pacific Palisades, along with the greater area of Los Angeles. Thank you for sharing the links to help those need -- our hearts and prayers go to all.

Martha JanePaul Krause

To Paul, you said it perfectly!
I concur!
Thanks to God and Guru for this huge awakening. Who would have known? The power ?
Jai Guru


Divine Mother feels very close especially when Her children are being severely tested.

Thank you,Divine Mother, beloved Gurus for everything! May this event bring us closer to you!

Gloria Botevyle

I watched Brother Chidananda's loving and inspiring message live during the early hours. I was moved to tears for those wonderful firefighters and especially for the Assad family. May God and Guru bless them! Sending love to all our SRF family and all who are suffering in LA. Jai Guru!

Cecilia and Morris Buckley

Deepest thanks and pranams to Brother Chidananda for the beautiful satsanga yesterday evening. And deepest thanks and pranams to the firefighting family of devotees who along with the other firefighters, saved our beloved Lake Shrine. Words cannot express the deepest gratitude for these tireless and brave efforts along with the ingenuity and intuition that led to the motorized barge! We feel deeply humbled to be part of this spiritual path, always.


What a moving, meaningful lifestream by our dear Brother Chidananda!The pictures showed how traumatic these days were and how miraculous that Our beloved Lake Shrine was saved. God bless the beautiful family of 3and all the brave firefighters! We feel deep compassion for all who lost their homes and possessions. Heartwarming to hear the humility expressed by Brotherand the plans to honour the firefighters and others! Love to you all!


Love you all! Thank you Brother for the live update yesterday. Thanks and blessings to those brave souls who selflessly worked to save the Masters’ work. My wife told me several days ago she had seen where Like Shrine was spared from aerial footage on the news. Thank you Spirit! We could hear Brother’s heart beat calm and steady and strong near the end of the presentation. Namaste’. Jai Guru!


Thank you dear SRF monastics, devotees, divine family, for the peaceful divine warrior feelings, thoughts and actions of compassion, love, peace, and attunement with God, Guru and Cosmic Consciousness; thank you monastics for bringing us together to tune our family instrument to the Cosmic chords, harmony and love - that we may be uplifted and of service to those in need; thank you SRF for the beautiful communication and resources and for being a safe haven and perpetual source of comfort, peace, love and spiritual guidance; ongoing prayers and healing vibrations to all

Timmaris McDowell

Dear Brother Chidananda ji,
Thank you so very much for reaching out to us today concerning the fires and details about our Beloved Lake Shrine. It was so comforting and inspiring and at the same time it caused me to feel that I need to do much more in my prayers for everyone touched by this tragedy, in our case this miracle!
My prayers will be more frequent and I will do and give anything I can.
Thank you again from the depths of my heart and
God bless you for your compassion and guidance.
Ever I remain in Divine love and Friendship


Thank you my Dear SRF family! I’m so sorry that my Brother’s lost their work and home environments in the fire.

I know that Thou dost anticipate my every need.
Sustain me according to Thy will.

In Divine Friendship,
Debra Om Christ Guruji’s


God WILL take care of your brother and all your family. Be sure you and your loved ones are receiving our sincere prayers.

Paul Gurry

Growing up I loved Jesus so much I wished I could have been Simon of Cyrene and helped Jesus to carry the cross. How blessed are those three devotees who helped in "saving" Lake Shrine.
After listening to Brother Chidananda's talk, I have never felt more part of a large spiritual family than I do now, after 22 years on the path. This is my first post. It's something I never do but just had to this time. Jai Guru. Jai Ma.

Patrick Miller

Fellow gurubais at Ananda have been praying for the Lake Shrine and for SRF.

May Divine Mother uplift and support all those impacted by the fires, and bless all those who are selflessly serving their communities during this challenging time.

Jai Guru

Helena MoonPatrick Miller

That has been my experience too. This is a time for all of Master's devotees to unite as one global family - all doing their best to support Master's legacy of universal brother and sisterhood

Laura S.

Thank you for this inspiring message. I was moved to tears to hear the firefighters are finding solace at Lake Shrine and feeling the peaceful vibrations.. And I am deeply grateful to those 3 brave souls who worked tirelessly to protect Lake Shrine. Sending love and prayers for all those who have been affected.

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