At this time when communities in Los Angeles are still dealing with tragic loss due to the wildfires that erupted earlier this month, the Los Angeles Times has featured — on the front page of their January 21 print edition and as “top news” on their website — the saving of the SRF Lake Shrine in the Pacific Palisades as one of the examples of true heroism and hope to be highlighted as inspiration for all.
The article, by Times staff writer Deborah Netburn, calls vividly to life the tireless and valiant actions of fire protection professional Billy Asad and his two adult children, Gabriella and Nicky Asad, all of whom are longtime devotees of Self-Realization Fellowship.

Those of you who have watched the message from SRF/YSS President Brother Chidananda, livestreamed on January 12, will be aware of how truly miraculous a story this is and what a crucial role the Asads played. As Brother Chidananda said in that message and is quoted in the Times article, they were “the divine instruments of God and Guru who literally saved the Lake Shrine.”
The article also includes insights from Brother Chidananda’s video message concerning what the survival of the Lake Shrine represents not only for followers of Paramahansa Yogananda but for all souls. And one can view, in the online version of the article, video footage of the Asad family fighting to save this sacred pilgrimage site that Paramahansaji established 75 years ago as a spiritual sanctuary for the benefit of peoples of all faiths.
As Billy Asad himself shares in the article: “It’s not just this beautiful garden with a lake, it’s a vortex of light and love and peace and harmony and healing.”
You can read the full article about the SRF Lake Shrine online at the LA Times (subscription may be required to view article):
The LA Times short video showing a glimpse into the successful efforts to save the SRF Lake Shrine made by the Asad family can also be viewed on the SRF Instagram account.
You can read more information about how Self-Realization Fellowship is supporting those affected by the wildfires in Los Angeles, and to find out how you can participate.
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गुरू अनंत, गुरू कथा अनंता।
श्रद्धेय गुरू की कृपा से हर कार्य संभव है, ऐसा ही यह चमत्कार है जो हम सभी को देखने को मिल रहा है।
No words can ever thank you enough Asad family for your selfless efforts in saving the Lake Shrine this beautiful sacred place. With so much gratitude and thanks! God bless you all, God was with you. Blessings to you all.
It is an absolute honour to read about selfless service by Asad family in protecting our beautiful Lake Shrine. Words fail in expressing gratitude to such incredible instruments of our Divine Guru. Please let me know if I can do anything for Billy Asad and his wonderful family. Jai Guru.
Truly selfless and heroic efforts . Thank you Asad and family for taking on the journey to fight the fires . It’s a true inspiration to all of us as gurujis devotees. May god and gurus bless you and family immensely . Thank you
SRF is truly blessed to have the Asad family among its devoted members. Thank you, Billy, Gabriella and Nicky for your incredible service in protecting and preserving our Lake Shrine!
A deep, deep bow to the Asad family for their efforts and for being awake and ready to serve as instruments of the Divine. May the Path itself rise up to meet and hold you!
And may the blessings of God and Gurus envelope and sustain all those who are serving and supporting, in whatever capacity, those affected by the fires.
God and gurus are always watching and protecting all of us. God bless the Asad family.
Muchas Gracias Familia Asad, el Maestro os entreno y guío en esta profesión. Seguramente que Él intuía lo que iba a ocurrir, se anticipo a que tres ángeles estuviesen preparados para apagar esas grandes llamas.
Me conmueve profundamente saber cómo las bendiciones de la Madre Divina y de Guruji se manifestaron claramente en este trágico suceso.
El amor de Guruji me permitió estar en este bendito lugar pocos días antes. Jai Gurú!
It’s hard to put into words how deeply thankful I am for this family’s incredible act of bravery. Thank you, thank you Asad Family!! You have saved the spiritual home of so many. Jai Guru!
God always send the resources to help your suns are connected with Him. Because with He and for His grace, we are He.
This kind of thing prove us, more one time, that we are not alone.
The spirituality strength of our Gurujis in God give us the Angels Asad.
Thank you!
Amazingly done!
Thank you
God and Guru will truly bless the Asad family for their heroic efforts. May the Lake Shrine be a beacon of light and hope for future generations to come. Sending prayers to all those in the surrounding communities who lost so much and to all the first responders who fought so valiantly to save what they could.
Amazing, Beyond extraordinary,, Divine, how the ever uplifting light and soothing calm and beauty of the Lake Shrine remains for all the world as a beacon of Hope for peace and unity in all the world because three deivotees,, the Asads, so in tune with the Divine , so. “ awake and ready” as Msster would say, to be instruments of the divine will with their professional, skillful firefighting abilities and fearless determination to extinguish every flame that threatened to destroy our beloved Lake Shrine. Thank you, dear Asads,.
Thank you, God and Guru..
Thank you so much to this beautiful family that worked so hard to save Master’s Lake Shrine! I had been praying that it was saved and afraid to call and ask about the Lake Shrine! Thank you again and again! May GOD bless you with many blessings as we have been blessed by your love and gift of aiding the Lake Shrine in its time of dire need! Namaste! Ebee
Beautifully said! Thank you Dear Asads for your heroic efforts and your Angelic work in the protection of the beautiful Lake Shrine. Thank you God and Gurus!
'For some have entertained angels unaware'. The Asad family are truly angels amongst us. Thank you 'Angels'!
Glory to God and the Masters in Heavens and blessings to our trio of Earth Angels!!!
I am deeply grateful Billy, Gabriella and Nicky, the instruments of God and Gurus in protecting Lake Shrine.
Such a wonderful Family, and devotees in tune with God and Gurus. Guru built it and now you saved it. What a blessing. Much love.
Such a beautiful display of altruism and heroism! Thank you for your tireless service to this beautiful sanctuary!
Reading this miraculous intervention of the Divine who used these three brave souls as His instruments brings tears of joy and gratitude. Surely the manifestation of many prayers and inspirational mercy of God that shows the way in these times of challenge is reaching out to The Lord with all our hearts.
What a blessing!!! Many thanks to Assad family! It’s as if your whole life is designed only for this moment. How coincidental or should I call a divine plan is that the children are also trained in fire fighting.
Words can never be sufficient to express how grateful we ALL are. Your actions are recorded on the Akashic for all time. God and Gurus and all of us, from the bottom of our hearts, send
So beautiful to see a united family of devotees serving as Divine instruments to God and Guru. May their path be always blessed. Jai Guru!
It is really a miracle that our SRF lake shrine is survived and no harm to the devotees. God is protector. And also thanks to Billy Asad and his family for doing such a job to save this Lake shrine.
Every part of this story is miraculous. From the bravery, skill, and availability of the Assad family to the spontaneous decision to add a pump to the lake barge a few months ago. Our Guru is certainly with us.
I am deeply grateful to all those who contribute to world peace.
With love.
To Billy, Nicky and Gabriella Asad,
Thank you so much for your dedication, hard work, devotion and courage. You have made the world such a better place by saving the Lake Shrine. What a lighthouse of hope you have protected and given back to the world through your heroic efforts. May Master, the Gurus and God continue to shine their grace your way. Thank you and God bless you all.
Thank you! Thank you for making this miracle happen. We are truly blessed to have such a heroic community. Love and gratitude from Germany.
Billy, Gabriella, and Nicky - thank you from the bottom of my heart for tuning your will with our guru and paramgurus to save our Lake Shrines. I am beyond humbled by your devotion, faith, and love for our path and sangha, and may God and Guru continue to shower blessings on your being. I hope to meet you and thank you personally one day. It is my deepest prayer that may God and Gurus give us the courage and will to continue to support those who have been hurt by the fires and alleviate their suffering.
Many blessings dear sangha.
May god and guru protect the asad family for their selfless and dedicated service in protecting master's lakeshrine. Jai Guru
Asads family may God and Guru be with you . Thanks for your service!
Thank you very much for saving everyones HOME
Billy, Gabriella and Nicky with much gratitude and appreciation we thank you for all your selfless and tireless actions in saving Lake Shrine for so many souls.
I’ve always wanted to visit the LakeShrine. I’m so grateful to this Asad family
Me too! I feel the same way! So happy for those heros.
I have ineffable appreciation for the Asad family! Love & blessings to you all. Jai Guru
This brings tears of gratitude to my eyes. God bless the Asad family ❤️
Wonderful! So many great souls have walked the paths and found solace and enlightenment at this peaceful sanctuary. Spirit is so lovingly kind to have inspired its preservation. Thank you!
God and Gurus bless the Asad family for their amazing courage and service to Guruji! After having read the LA Times article with tears of gratitude, it is clear that the confluence of events and people associated with the protection of Lake Shrine can only be called miraculous. Thank you so much for sharing this article. Jai Guru!
An absolutely miraculous happening! Another such miracle was the fire stopping before consuming the SRF retreat at Hidden Valley quite a few year ago. Both are incredible blessings to all who will be uplifted when visiting these places!