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    Kriya Yoga

    Kriya Yoga, the Science of God-realization

    Sri Mrinalini Mata

    Time: 3:36 minutes

    In this inspiring video excerpt, Sri Mrinalini Mata, president of SRF/YSS, encourages us to practice Kriya Yoga. Have faith in it, she advises, and know that it's working, even when you don't think you feel anything -- because Kriya Yoga is mathematical in its results. It is the science of life and the science of God-realization.

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    Practice Kriya Yoga Every Day

    Sri Mrinalini Mata

    Time: 3:00 minutes

    Sri Mrinalini Mata, president of SRF/YSS, shares practical advice from Paramahansa Yogananda on the practice of Kriya Yoga. Great spiritual progress comes if you practice Kriya Yoga every day faithfully and with love and devotion, Paramahansa Yogananda advised. "It is mathematical. It works!" When you practice Kriya Yoga you are automatically stimulating the divine potentials that God has placed within the spiritual centers in your spine and brain.

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    The Holy Ghost Aum Vibration

    Sri Mrinalini Mata

    Time: 2:46 minutes

    From the DVD "Portal to the Inner Light," a talk by Sri Mrinalini Mata, president and sanghamata of Self-Realization Fellowship, on the teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda.

    In this inspiring talk given at the 2004 SRF World Convocation, Sri Mrinalini Mata conducts the release of Paramahansa Yogananda's monumental commentary on the four Gospels, "The Second Coming of Christ: The Resurrection of the Christ Within You." Exuding both joy and deep wisdom, Mrinalini Mata conveys the essence of Paramahansa Yogananda's mission of spiritually uniting East and West and reminds us that if we read and digest his living words in these commentaries, we will find them to be portals to the inner light of divine consciousness.

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    Paramahansa Yogananda Smriti Mandir Dedication

    Paramahansa Yogananda Smriti Mandir Dedication, Yogoda Satsanga Society of India

    Brother Anandamoy

    Time: 16:46 minutes

    Brother Anandamoy speaks on Paramahansa Yogananda’s mission to spread worldwide the teachings of Kriya Yoga—illuminating for this age the universal aspect of religion. This archival video footage is from the 1995 dedication ceremony of the Paramahansa Yogananda Smriti Mandir (Memorial Shrine) in Ranchi, India.

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    Spiritual Progress

    How to Know You Are Making Spiritual Progress

    Sri Mrinalini Mata

    Time: 7:17 minutes

    Sri Mrinalini Mata, former president of SRF/YSS, recounts the advice Paramahansa Yogananda shared with her: The only security, he advised, the only fulfillment, is in God. Meditate and practice Kriya Yoga. To make progress, "Just keep on, every day, meditating and serving, loving God, and you will find that one day you will wake up and find you have come much further than you ever dreamed possible."

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    Karma and Samskaras: How to Erase the Negative Effects of Past Actions and Thoughts

    Sri Mrinalini Mata

    Time: 6:11 minutes

    Sri Mrinalini Mata, president of SRF/YSS, discusses karma and samskaras. Samskaras, the effects and traces of past-life thoughts, actions and habits, greatly influence our character and behavior. Kriya Yoga meditation, Mrinalini Mata explains, helps to change you every time you meditate, dislodging and erasing the negative effects of these past actions and thoughts.

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    Understanding Karma

    Brother Anandamoy

    Time: 4:53 minutes

    In this video excerpt from the DVD Understanding Karma, Brother Anandamoy (1922–2016) explains why the law of karma is not a matter of "punishment," but a stimulus to help us reclaim our immortal divine potential.

    Brother Anandamoy entered the Self-Realization Fellowship ashram as a monk in 1949 and received Paramahansa Yogananda’s personal training until the great Guru’s passing in early 1952. As a much-loved and deeply respected minister of SRF, he inspired and uplifted thousands through his selfless life and his profound understanding of the spiritual path and the Kriya Yoga teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda.

    This talk was given at the Self-Realization Fellowship’s 1982 World Convocation in Los Angeles, California.

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    How to Spiritualize Your Actions

    Brother Anandamoy

    Time: 4:38 minutes

    In this talk, Brother Anandamoy identifies the universal human needs that lie at the core of all spiritual seeking. Absolute fulfillment cannot be found in this physical world, he instructs, but through direct experience of God.

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    Practicing the Presence of God — Change Your Thoughts, Change Yourself

    Sri Mrinalini Mata

    Time: 3:59 minutes

    In this inspiring video excerpt, Sri Mrinalini Mata, president of SRF/YSS, instructs us that by changing our thoughts we can change ourselves. The minute a negative mood or bad habit contradicts the joy and freedom you felt in meditation, she says, practice the presence of God -- strongly affirm some quality of God that helps you.

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    “If there is one God, why are there so many religions?”

    Brother Anandamoy

    Time: 7:03 minutes

    Brother Anandamoy delves into this question which has confounded mankind for thousands of years and reveals how the inner truth known to mystics of all paths transcends and harmonizes religious differences.

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    Experiencing the Unconditional Love of God

    Sri Daya Mata

    Time: 4:29 minutes

    In this video excerpt from the DVD Finding Divine Peace and Balance, Sri Daya Mata (president and sanghamataof SRF/YSS from 1955 until her passing in 2010), reveals how to create a devotional and deeply personal relationship with God. She assures us that if we look within to find God, over time we will be able to experience unconditional love, and carry the consciousness of that divine communion into all our daily activities and pursuits. This talk was given at the Self-Realization Fellowship 1990 World Convocation in Los Angeles.

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    Guru-Disciple Relationship

    “The Teachings Will Be the Guru”

    Sri Mrinalini Mata

    Time: 2:04 minutes

    From the DVD “In His Presence,” Sri Mrinalini Mata conveys words of assurance spoken by Paramahansa Yogananda about the continuity of his spiritual work that would endure through the teachings and blessings of the SRF line of Gurus.

    Sri Mrinalini Mata, one of those personally trained and chosen by Paramahansa Yogananda to carry on the aims of his society after his passing, was president and spiritual head of Self-Realization Fellowship/Yogoda Satsanga Society of India from 2011 until her passing in 2017. She dedicated more than 70 years to selflessly serving Paramahansa Yogananda’s work.

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    “When I Am Only a Dream”

    Sri Daya Mata

    Time: 4:01 minutes

    In this video excerpt, Sri Daya Mata recalls what it was like to be present with Paramahansa Yogananda as he was in the midst of composing his deeply moving poem, "When I Am Only a Dream," while at his Encinitas Hermitage. With much reverence and devotion, she reminisces about her initial thoughts upon hearing the poem, her deep connection to Paramahansaji, and how his inspiring words reflect the true nature of attunement with one's guru.

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    The Purpose of Life

    Fulfilling the Soul's Deepest Needs

    Fulfilling the Soul's Deepest Needs

    Sri Daya Mata

    Time: 4:48 minutes

    Experience Sri Daya Mata's joyous and uplifting spirit of encouragement as she speaks about how to "be in the world but not of the world."

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    “Sometimes life seems so confusing to me. What is the real purpose of life?”

    Brother Anandamoy

    Time: 1:58 minutes

    When asked this question most of us generate a list of material wants and needs. In this brief yet inspiring talk, Brother Anandamoy instructs that we must go deeper to discover the source of our true purpose, our essential nature and divine consciousness.

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    The Spiritual Benefits of Simplicity

    Brother Bhaktananda

    Time: 8:34 minutes

    In this inspiring video excerpt, from the DVD Guru and Disciple: An Eternal Covenant of Love, Brother Bhaktananda speaks on the spiritual benefits of practicing simplicity in our thoughts, simplicity in our feelings, and simplicity in our actions.

    Brother Bhaktananda, a direct disciple of Paramahansa Yogananda since 1939, served as senior minister at the Self-Realization Fellowship temple in Hollywood, California from 1971 until his passing in 2005.

    This talk was given at the Self-Realization Fellowship’s 1994 World Convocation in Los Angeles, California.

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