“Resurrect Yourself!”
This short but potent passage was one of the Easter messages that were sent by Paramahansa Yogananda to students of the SRF teachings. (This and other special messages from Paramahansaji for Easter and Christmas can be read in the Addenda section of his work The Second Coming of Christ: The Resurrection of the Christ Within You.)
As Christ resurrected his consciousness from the sepulchre of mortal limitations, so must you learn to resurrect your mind by meditation from the tomb of material desires and body confinement to the consciousness of omnipresence.
Resurrect your calmness from beneath the soil of restlessness; resurrect your wisdom from the enshrouding earthliness of ignorance; resurrect your love from beneath the sod of mundane human attachment — with its limited love for family, society, and country — to divine love for all.
As Jesus withdrew his mind from the body by ecstasy and united it with all-pervading Spirit, so through the consciousness of Christ developed within yourself by constant meditation unite your soul with omniscient Spirit, your life with Eternal Life.
A Guided Meditation on the Resurrecting Light of the Spiritual Eye
Below you can practice resurrecting your consciousness by experiencing a guided meditation led by Brother Chidananda, president and spiritual head of SRF/YSS, during an online Easter service from 2020.
Paramahansa Yogananda started the tradition of holding in SRF a Sunrise Service on Easter morning. In this guided experience, Brother Chidananda is inviting us to participate in a “spiritual sunrise service” through visualizing and feeling the divine light at the point between the eyebrows, known as the spiritual eye or Christ Consciousness center in the body, and letting that light, life, and joy to flow into our minds and souls.
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Jai Guru! Thank you so much for this wonderful meditation. My heart is so joyful with love ,& peace .
that guided meditation just put alot together for me;so you just never know when or where or how HE comes. Thank you Brother Chidananda.
Guru is always with us, he never left but reminds us of maya and God’s Devine play .
I and my father are one 🙏
The Glorious, Glorious Grace of God and
Gurudeva fills me beyond the cup of my heart.
So thankful, along with millions of other Devotees 🙏
Thank you so very much for this deeply healing experience of the Christ Consciousness in MY soul....Peace...Peace...Peace.......
Thank you so much for a short, yet deep and wonderful message and message of Christ. Always Jai Gurji 🙏🕉️💐
Thanks to SRF for this amazing resurrection message and meditation. You continue to light the lamps of enlightenment within and without.
Blessings 🙏
Loved the meditation In gratitude 🙏🙏
Loved the meditation.In gratitude 🙏
This is a wonderfully powerful expression of the depth of Gurujis' teachings.
Jai Guru! Heartfelt thank you dearly beloved Sri Chidananda. Jai Guru! May the transparent purity, truth, wisdom, beauty, love, peace, happiness, perennial Joy so sincerely vibrantly transmitted in this short inspiring, uplifting, purifying, divinely awakening meditation profoundly touch the hearts, minds and souls of all who are blessed to participate in it. A joyous Easter of spiritual renewal, remembrance, reawakening, resurrection to humankind, as God wills. Om, peace, shanti, shanti, shanti, amen. Jai Guru!
Online meditations, inspiration services & special events like this guided meditation are so helpful to those of us Devotees that are not able to attend SRF or YSS temples/centers.
Thank you 🙏🏻
I thank God and Guru for bringing me to this path.
Jai Guru 🌹
Thank you all at SRF for these communications.
I had such a deep longing to dive into an Easter experience.....beside my worldly duties...now i feel save again , closely connected to Christ and Master🙏....thank You so much...
So beautiful !
Thank you for this beautiful message and meditation and sharing Masters chant of Cloud Colored Christ come. My heart is so joyful with the love of Christ and Master.
In Divine Friendship always
Jai.. Guru 🙏
I’m deeply thankful to our beloved Master for having found this sacred path.
Hidden truths of Gospels