Inspiration from the September eNewsletter
In honor of the UN International Day of Peace on September 21, this month we share inspiring thoughts from Paramahansa Yogananda on how to achieve peace — first within oneself and then in the world as a whole.
Peace emanates from the soul, and is the sacred inner environment in which true happiness unfolds.
If you keep your mind on the resolve never to lose your peace, then you can attain godliness. Keep a secret chamber of silence within yourself, where you will not let moods, trials, battles, or inharmony enter. Keep out all hatred, revengefulness, and desires. In this chamber of peace God will visit you.
Most of all I emphasize that you should get busy seeking God through meditation....Just beneath the shadows of this life is His wondrous Light. The universe is a vast temple of His presence. When you meditate, you will find doors opening to Him everywhere. When you have communion with Him, not all the ravages of the world can take away that Joy and Peace.
Though we may seem divided by race, creed, color, class, and political prejudices, still, as children of the one God we are able in our souls to feel brotherhood and world unity....In our hearts we can all learn to be free from hate and selfishness. Let us pray for harmony among the nations, that they march hand in hand through the gate of a fair new civilization.
Affirmation to practice: I relax and cast aside all mental burdens, allowing God to express through me His perfect love, peace, and wisdom.
We invite you to join in the SRF Worldwide Prayer Circle — a powerful practice of group prayer for world peace and healing.
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