Update: SRF Monastic Visits Around the World, Fall 2019
November 21, 2019
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Every year SRF monastics bring Paramahansa Yogananda’s Kriya Yoga science of meditation and art of balanced spiritual living to SRF members and friends spread around the globe — delivering public talks as well as visiting specific SRF meditation centers, groups, and circles.
On these visits, the monks and nuns are able to guide those practicing the SRF meditation techniques, and following Yogananda’s “how-to-live” principles, in their daily efforts toward experiencing the inner peace and bliss that are central to the Kriya Yoga path. We hope you enjoy this sampling of images from monastic visits in September, October, and November 2019.
November 2019
Campo Grande, Brazil
Brother Muktananda concludes a weekend program with a closing talk and guided meditation for interested participants in Campo Grande.
Brasilia, Brazil
Brother Muktananda and Bahmachari Roberto lead a weekend Center Department program at the Brasilia Retreat, with SRF members in Brazil’s capital city.
The monastics conduct a Center Department workshop on Paramahansa Yogananda’s principles and guidance for SRF Meditation Groups.
Brother Muktananda leads retreatants in a review of Paramahansaji’s Energization Exercises.
Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Brother Muktananda and Brahmachari Roberto conduct a weekend Center Department program with SRF members in Belo Horizonte, Brazil.
Participants particularly enjoy Autobiography of a Yogi — translated into Portuguese as well as over 50 other languages — and also the Portuguese translations of many other of Paramahansa Yogananda's books.
The Portuguese editions of Yogananda’s God Talks With Arjuna (the Guru's translation of and scriptural commentaries on the Bhagavad Gita) and his The Second Coming of Christ (commentaries on the gospels of the New Testament) are also popular items.
Lima, Peru
Brother Muktananda and Brahmachari Roberto conduct a program in Lima, Peru.
Chicago, Illinois
Brother Bhumananda and Brahmachari Yannick visit SRF members and friends in Chicago.
Brother Bhumananda speaks about the benefits of yoga meditation and leading a balanced life according to Yogananda’s “how-to-live” principles.
Chicago audience, listening to Brother Bhumananda’s inspiring insights on Paramahansa Yogananda's Kriya teachings
Brahmachari Yannick gives an inspirational service in the SRF Chicago Center’s meeting hall.
Maui, Hawaii
SRF’s regional retreat in Maui brought together enthusiastic SRF members for a weekend of group meditation and classes on the “how-to-live” teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda. Led by senior SRF nuns Sister Preeti and Sister Yogamayee, the retreat provided an opportunity for spiritual renewal, stillness, and study.
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Brother Bhumananda and Brahmachari Yannick visit SRF members in Milwaukee in November.
New York City
Brother Bhumananda gives a public lecture on the Self-Realization Fellowship path and conducts a guided meditation in New York City.
After the lecture, Brother Bhumananda converses with a participant interested in a deeper understanding of Paramahansaji’s Kriya Yoga teachings.
Raleigh, North Carolina
A regional retreat sponsored by the Raleigh meditation group is conducted by Sister Dhira and Sister Vimala, who travel there from the SRF Mother Center in Los Angeles.
The retreat is held in a picturesque facility located in the foothills of North Carolina's Blue Ridge Mountains.
During the retreat Sister Vimala and Sister Dhira speak informally with retreatants on how they can apply Paramahansaji's Kriya Yoga teachings in their daily lives.
October 2019
Asheville, North Carolina
Members in Asheville were appreciative of this first monastic visit to their chapel in its new location. The SRF Asheville Meditation Group celebrates its 25th anniversary this year.
Brother Prafullananda and Brahmachari Jason give a satsanga on the Kriya Yoga teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda.
Atlanta, Georgia
Members of the SRF Atlanta Center receive a visit by Brother Prafullananda and Brahmachari Jason, October 13, 2019.
Brother Prafullananda greets members of the Atlanta Center after giving a talk on Paramahansa Yogananda's Kriya Yoga teachings.
Brahmachari Jason meets with Sunday school children at the Atlanta Center.
Front Royal, Virginia
At the SRF Greenfield Retreat in Front Royal, Virginia, Brother Kalyanananda greets participants at the conclusion of a weekend retreat program in September. He and Brahmachari Leonardo conducted classes and gave instruction on Paramahansa Yogananda's Kriya Yoga path of meditation.
Brahmachari Leonardo conducts a review of Paramahansa Yogananda's Energization Exercises on the lush grounds of the Greenfield Retreat. Conducted weekend retreats such as this offer a concentrated program of classes, led by monks and nuns of the SRF monastic order, on Paramahansa Yogananda's teachings and Kriya Yoga meditation techniques.
Nine Cities in Japan
In Tokyo, classes were given explaining the Kriya Yoga teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda.
Brother Nikhilananda conducts a review of Paramahansa Yogananda’s Energization Exercises.
Members of the SRF Tokyo Meditation Group with Brothers Pranavananda and Nikhilananda.
After Tokyo, Brothers Pranavananda and Nikhilananda visited
Brother Nakulananda and Brahmachari Troy with members of the SRF Calgary Meditation Group. During their visit they spoke on the Kriya Yoga science of God-realization taught by Paramahansa Yogananda and his lineage of Gurus.
Las Vegas, Nevada
Brothers Devananda and Muktananda with members of the SRF Las Vegas Meditation Group in October, 2019.
Seattle, Washington
“Paramahansa Yogananda often said that earth is not our home, we are in the school of life, learning lessons that we are divine beings, made in the image of God. Our home is in the infinite omnipresence of God.” — Brother Nakulananda, during his recent public lecture in Seattle, Washington.
Brother Nakulananda speaks on Paramahansa Yogananda's "how-to-live" teachings in a public lecture.
Book room attendants make available Autobiography of a Yogi and other of Paramahansa Yogananda’s writings.
Toronto, Canada
Brother Prafullananda and Brahmachari Jason visit members at the SRF Toronto Center in October to discuss the teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda and the practice of the meditation techniques of the Kriya Yoga path.
Brahmachari Jason greets a Toronto devotee during the visit.
Vancouver, Canada
Brother Nakulananda and Brahmachari Troy visit SRF members and friends in Vancouver in October.
“Paramahansa Yogananda came to bring us the ancient science of Kriya Yoga whereby we can know within ourselves, and not merely intellectually grasp, that we are divine spiritual beings, beyond the dualities of material existence.” — SRF monk Brother Nakulananda during his recent public lecture in Vancouver, Canada.
Brahmachari Troy leads demonstration of Paramahansa Yogananda’s Energization Exercises.
Brother Nakulananda converses with members in Vancouver.
September 2019
Rome, Italy
In Rome, Brother Satyananda gives a public lecture on the Kriya Yoga teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda.
The event took place at the largest venue of its kind in Rome.
The hall was filled to capacity with an audience eager to learn more about Paramahansa Yogananda's science of meditation and art of balanced living.
Following Brother Satyananda’s talk on the Kriya Yoga science of meditation, many asked for applications to receive the Self-Realization Fellowship Lessons.
In addition to the SRF Lessons, there was also great interest in Paramahansa Yogananda’s Autobiography of a Yogi — available in Italian as well as over 50 other foreign language editions.
Vienna, Austria
In September, Brothers Satyananda and Saralananda also visit Self-Realization Fellowship members in Vienna.
“Each one of us at times experiences a pure happiness which manifests unexpectedly, then disappears, leaving us mystified. Where does it come from? Why don't we experience this more often? Through meditation we can tap this experience and make it a daily reality.” — SRF monk Brother Satyananda, from his recent public lecture in Vienna
Brother Saralananda addresses a rapt audience, speaking about the value of applying Paramahansaji’s Kriya Yoga principles in daily life.
The audience in Vienna was deeply appreciative to learn about Paramahansa Yogananda’s SRF/YSS teachings.
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