This year’s annual Self-Realization Fellowship World Convocation, held in person and online July 14 – 20, drew over 21,000 yogis and spiritual seekers from 125 countries, including the more than 3,600 who gathered at the Westin Bonaventure Hotel in downtown Los Angeles, from where the program was livestreamed.
The 2024 Convocation was a joyous reunion of divine friends and kindred souls from near and far who gathered with hearts and minds united in spiritual striving, deep daily meditation, and prayers for world peace and harmony. Participants were buoyed up by the outpouring of Paramahansa Yogananda’s wisdom for realizing the Divine in daily life shared by SRF monks and nuns, as well as by the uplifting and energizing support of other truth-seeking souls.
Oh, what joy to be part of the 2024 Convocation. Each program has uplifted me and further filled me with divine intoxication!
M. B., India
Inauguration of the Week’s Activities by SRF/YSS President Brother Chidananda
Brother Chidananda, president and spiritual head of Self-Realization Fellowship/Yogoda Satsanga Society of India, officially began Convocation at the start of the opening class on “Allowing Joy to Be a Part of Our Everyday Lives” by Brother Kamalananda, held on Sunday, July 14.
Elevating Events With Brother Chidananda — The Sharing of Joyful Wisdom
Convocation attendees enjoyed two very special opportunities to spend time with Brother Chidananda during the week — a three-hour meditation guided by him on Wednesday, July 17, and a satsanga he gave on the evening of Friday, July 19.
Many people have already written to convey the personal sense of support they felt during Brother Chidananda’s satsanga, where he spoke of steps we all can take to “be a mystic in the heart of the world” and help humanity reach a greater sense of possibility and hope.
One longtime devotee of this path, who was participating online from Mumbai, India, commented on one of the key themes of the evening’s event: “Brother Chidananda’s talk elevated the inspiration and practical application of Guruji’s teachings from the Convocation to new heights. His advice resonated deeply with me: ‘Each one of you, be a living link between ancient India’s higher golden age of spirituality and our awakening global civilization.’”
Another person, who is not a member of SRF but who was deeply struck when viewing the video on YouTube, wrote: “I wanted you to know I just finished watching the wonderful talk from Brother Chidananda. I truly feel like a new person. I was a bit down after listening to the news recently, but after this talk I feel so uplifted. Thank you for sharing this. This world certainly needs the spiritual message he shared now more than ever.”
A Unique Weeklong Program for Spiritual Growth
The immersive SRF Convocation program included group meditations, classes on the Kriya Yoga art of spiritual living and scientific meditation techniques taught by Paramahansa Yogananda, kirtans (devotional chanting), pilgrimage tours to sacred SRF sites in southern California where Paramahansaji lived and communed with the Divine, and fellowship with SRF monks, nuns, members, and friends from around the world (with pilgrimages and fellowship being offered virtually as well as in person for those in Los Angeles, and later in the week in Encinitas, California).
Brother Satyananda led a class entitled “Using the Mirror of Introspection for All-Round Success.”
Convocation participants gathered for morning and evening group meditation each day.
Sister Ranjana shared wisdom from Paramahansa Yogananda on establishing a personal and sustaining connection with the Divine.
Sister Nandini led a satsanga in which she answered questions submitted by Self-Realization Fellowship students and members on applying Paramahansa Yogananda’s “how-to-live” teachings in daily life.
Sister Karuna gave a comprehensive overview of the Hong-Sau Technique of Concentration for SRF Lessons students and led a guided meditation.
Brother Padmananda led a class for SRF Lessons students on mastering the techniques of meditation, specifically the Aum Technique taught in the SRF Lessons.
Sister Brahmani led a satsanga in which she answered questions about karma, loyalty, prayer, and how to transmute negative emotions.
Brother Bhumananda shared insight and inspiration about the sacred guru-disciple relationship.
Sister Draupadi led an inspiring class focused on finding joy within and cultivating a “portable paradise” within our hearts wherever we go.
My heart is full of the joy, peace, and contentment from participating online this past week with devotees from around the world and at the Bonaventure Hotel. The love and joy could be felt from our television into our hearts, and peace surrounded our home.
S. M., California
Divine Fellowship With Kindred Souls
Swami Adyananda, a YSS monk visiting Paramahansaji’s SRF ashrams, speaks with a Convocation participant at the Open House event.
Sister Usha greets SRF members at Convocation.
Sister Chetana speaks with Convocation attendees.
SRF nuns offered spiritual counseling to women throughout the week.
SRF books and gifts were available for purchase during Convocation.
SRF staff and volunteers served participants throughout the week, providing information and support.
Brother Nikhilananda speaks with SRF members during the Convocation Open House event.
SRF monks gave personal spiritual counseling for men during Convocation week.
Brother Saralananda spoke with SRF members near a photo display organized by the Department of Philanthropic Planning highlighting the growth of the SRF work.
Pilgrimage Tours to Sacred SRF Sites
Convocation attendees had the opportunity to participate in pilgrimage tours and experience sacred SRF sites in southern California where Paramahansa Yogananda lived and communed with the Divine, including: SRF International Headquarters (Mother Center), Lake Shrine, Hollywood Temple and Forest Lawn Memorial Park (where Paramahansa Yogananda’s crypt is located), and Encinitas Ashram Center (San Diego County). Virtual pilgrimage tours were also available online for those joining the Convocation program from home.
An SRF nun welcomes Convocation attendees as part of a pilgrimage tour to the SRF Mother Center.
Convocation participants go on pilgrimage to SRF Hollywood Temple and Ashram Center.
Convocation participants meditating at the Mother Center.
SRF Hollywood Temple during a Convocation pilgrimage tour
SRF volunteers serve lunch to Convocation participants during the Mother Center pilgrimage tour.
Meditating in the Temple of Leaves at the SRF Mother Center
SRF monks greet those on a pilgrimage to the SRF Lake Shrine.
Meditating at SRF Lake Shrine during a pilgrimage tour
Convocation participants arrive at Lake Shrine for a pilgrimage tour.
Meditators on the lawn of the Encinitas Hermitage
SRF monks greet pilgrims arriving at the Encinitas Ashram Center.
A Convocation participant meditates in the Encinitas Meditation Gardens during the pilgrimage tour.
A Truly Worldwide Event!
Those who were participating online did so from their homes, or at one of the many viewing events held at SRF locations worldwide, including ones hosted by SRF nuns at the SRF Greenfield Ashram Center in Front Royal, Virginia, and the Nuremberg Ashram Center in Germany. Members and friends of Yogoda Satsanga Society of India — as Paramahansa Yogananda’s work is known in India and several surrounding countries — also had the opportunity to be hosted by YSS monks at the YSS ashrams. Additionally, SRF monastics traveled across the globe to host in-person gatherings in Chicago, Illinois; Boston, Massachusetts; New York City; Santa Domingo, Dominican Republic; London, United Kingdom; Frankfurt, Germany; Vienna, Austria; Assisi, Italy; Sunshine Coast and Sydney, Australia; Singapore; Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; Quito, Ecuador; and Salvador, Brazil.
Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A.
London, U.K.
Frankfurt, Germany
I was at the Salvador Center in Brazil during the monastic visit for Convocation. We had an in-person kirtan led by the devotees. During the chanting of ‘Jai Guru,’ there was such a powerful vibration of devotion, concentration, and faith that I felt Guruji answered our soul call and came to us. The atmosphere was charged by his presence.
Front Royal, Virginia, U.S.A.
Quito, Ecuador
The Convocation Experience Continues!
We encourage you to come back and watch the videos of the Convocation events again and again over the coming year! You can view the many Convocation talks that are available on YouTube, through the 2024 Convocation YouTube Playlist.
Looking Ahead to 2025
We are happy to share that the 2025 Self-Realization Fellowship World Convocation will be held at the Westin Bonaventure Hotel in Los Angeles, June 22 – 28. The event will also continue to be offered online for those unable to attend in person.
Complete details about the program will be available in the spring of 2025.
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I am still viewing and re-viewing the talks and technik classes again and again. They are so uplifting and throw light and understanding better everytime. Thank you all, Swamijis and Brotherjis for making it available online.
Jai Guru
It was/is an enjoyable and inspiring experience sharing the activities of Convocation during the 2024 series of talks, kirtans and services with so many devotees of Master world wide.
Such activities will truly give greater encouragement and progress to devotees and the work of Paramahansa Yogananda, our revered Guru and Avatar of this age.
It will also help seekers everywhere to gain an understanding and appreciation for the great work of Self-Realization /YSS .
The 2024 Convocation was a great and uplifting Convocation. It was my first SRF Convocation. The Energization technique and the other meditation techniques helped a lot - it reminded me to always keep my focus at the Kutustha center. I am watching the Convocation videos again and again, because they are really uplifting. What a great thing Parmahansa Yogananda ji, and the lineage of Guru's and Avtar's have done for us. We can never repay them, whatsoever. Jai Guru! 🙏
I attended Convocation at the Bonaventure Hotel for the first time this past July: WOW, the change that has come over me is profound. Gurudeva’s presence uplifting all our thirsty souls with Divine joy, peace, and all embracing love has given me a new strength to press on in the world of turmoil with a calm zeal in the protection of our Beloved’s arms. I am forever grateful to all the volunteers, monastic community, and participants at Convocation, in person and online, who created this a Divine vibration reverberating through our world.
Jai Guru!
I had a hybrid convocation by mixing live events with more quiet, sanctuary type setting in my room at the Bonaventure using the computer to attend many of the California Ballroom classes live via the internet. I met many friends from previous in-person convocations. Heart-warming. Plus! I met 'live and in=person' several of the friends I had 'met' using the zoom online fellowship gatherings. My thanks to God, Guru, and SRF monastics and all the volunteers who help make all this happen, both in-person and online. Jai Guru!
Seeing all these beautiful photographs fills me with joy and gives me goosebumps of sheer delight!
full of knowledge and peace by seeing the details and photos ,let all souls leave in eternal peace with blessing from almighty
What a joy it was to participate in meditation events. Oh, so soothing for the psyche. Thank you.
There is greater calmness, well-being, and security. My meditation techniques have improved, thanks to the reviews, and my meditations have become deeper.
There is a stronger realization of the importance of SRF for the world’s future. I’m making a greater effort to live by SRF’s high principles and be more loyal to it, as the monastics exemplify.
My efforts at keeping the mind at the kuthasta are renewed. The consciousness improves after even a few moments of loving our Gurus at that point. My relationship with them has become sweeter and stronger. Thank you, SRF!
I am newer to the teachings (lesson 3) and found convocation captivating! It was great to be embedded in the culture and have the teachings brought to life. It was warming to see how the staff interacted with each and participants, and the welcome I received.
As a newer devotee, the 30 minute meditation has been a god-send - it’s not only a rich meditation but a friendly stepping stone to building a longer meditation practice. Convocation has been a catalyst to having a more comfortable understanding of GuruJi’s teachings, and a portal, and home, for my deep love of God.
For me it was an very inspiring spiritual event. We were blessed to touch and walk in that sacred place where Gurudev lived in physical form, but who is omnipresent now. Though it was only a week-long Convocation but for me it seems that the effects and uplifting inspirations are rejuvenating me and will goes on till the end of my life.
The management of Convocation was excellent,
Thank you SRF for such an inspiring 2024 Convocation. We could see the great efforts put by all of you, including the monks, nuns, volunteers and others, to make this event a truly inspiring one for us all. Looking forward to the successful completion of the Garden Shrine project. May Guruji remove all obstacles in our lives and guide us all in all our noble endeavours. Jai Guru
very very informative
I was encouraged by Brother Kartikananda and Brahmachari Shevan to share an experience I had. On Tuesday,I noticed that my money was not in my pocket. No one had turned anything in to lost/found. I resigned myself to the fact that the money was gone and I prayed that it be found by someone in need. On Saturday as was customary before all events, Brahmachari Shevan came to the podium to make announcements. He said.."to the Soul who lost a significant amount of money this week, your money has been found.
Jai Guru.
What a joy to go through the SRF web of devotees and monastics the week of convocation. We are all tied together in the love of the Guru and his teachings and the Great Ones of this path. So much joyous work by so many also. It is truly an inspiration.
Thank all of you. Namaste'
I felt deep support and inspiration each morning when I awake , to be able to be guided to yet another Convocation meditation to begin my day. Yogananda shares EVERYTHING with us and tuning in
with his truth and unconditional love, I feel such joy in my soul.
The words of a hymn I remember ,express my gratitude , “ We’re climbing higher each day , to the summit of God, we’re finding Him in the depth of our Souls. Listen to His word…” Thank you SRF for your faithfulness.
What a deluge of joy the 2024 SRF Convocation was! Thank you to all the wonderful SRF monastics and to the kind volunteers who made this glorious event a possibility. My wife and I are deeply grateful to you all! The Convocation inspiration remains with us very tangibly in that we are currently rewatching all the sublime classes and satsangas. There is so much to absorb. So much peace and bliss and comfort. Jai Guru!