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Paramahansa Yogananda: A World Teacher

Brother Anandamoy

Brother Anandamoy (1922 – 2016), a much-loved and respected minister of Self-Realization Fellowship and direct disciple of Paramahansa Yogananda, gave this talk during the second night of the historic 1993 SRF World Convocation during the centennial of Paramahansaji’s birth.

In it he reviews important points from the vast subject of Paramahansa Yogananda’s teachings, helping seekers to take the Guru’s wisdom and guidance to a much deeper level — to ultimately fulfill the purpose of life through the practice of yoga meditation.

This talk followed a special Convocation Opening Program given by Sri Daya Mata, Sri Mrinalini Mata, and Brother Anandamoy. That event, entitled “The Immortal Message of Paramahansa Yogananda: Celebrating the Life and Blessings of a Beloved World Teacher,” can also be viewed here.