From the talks and writings of Paramahansa Yogananda
God is playing hide-and-seek through human hearts, so that ultimately you will understand that it is His love you are seeking in your human loves. If you omit God from your human loves, love fades away. But by bringing God into your daily life, ordinary human love changes into divine love, manifested from the image of God within you.
It is not necessary to know and love all human beings and other creatures personally and individually. All you need to do is to be ready at all times to shed the light of friendly service over all living creatures whom you happen to meet. This attitude requires constant mental effort and preparedness; in other words, unselfishness.
If we understand the spiritual purpose of relationships — to teach the expansion of self-love in ever-widening circles of love for others — then through the gates of friendship, conjugal affection, parental love, and love of all fellow beings and all animate creatures we can enter into the kingdom of almighty, super-, or Divine Love.
No love is real love until it is one with God’s love; for all true love comes from God alone. Human love, to be divine, must be deep and selfless. Purify the heart’s love until it becomes divine.
[An affirmation to practice:] As I radiate love and goodwill to others, I will open the channel for God’s love to come to me. Divine love is the magnet that draws to me all good.
At the link below you will find more profound inspiration and guidance from Paramahansaji on the nature of divine love, and how to experience and express it in your life.
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