The 2021 SRF Online World Convocation — a weeklong immersion in the “how-to-live” teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda — will begin on Sunday, August 8. In anticipation of this unique global gathering of SRF/YSS members and friends coming together to infuse their lives with the peace and joy of meditation, kirtan (devotional chanting), and India’s perennial wisdom, this month we share thoughts from Paramahansaji on the immense benefits of reinforcing your spiritual efforts in the company of sincere seekers.
From time immemorial in India, seekers who were truly eager to realize God have sought association with saints, or have meditated on their pictures in the company of other spiritual aspirants.
Those who wish to perfect themselves are urged by the masters to keep in close association with others of similar nature in order to strengthen their right aspirations.
We become like the people we mingle with — not only through their conversation, but through the silent magnetic vibration that emanates from them. When we come into the range of their magnetism we are affected.
Why shouldn’t you strengthen your own vibrations through fellowship with people seeking Self-realization, and by group meditation with them? This practice will fortify your own spiritual convictions; you will find that many seemingly insuperable barriers in your life will crumble and dissolve in the waters of meditation. Your devotion and love for God will commingle with the devotion and love of others. Divine bliss will radiate from you, helping all persons you meet.
My Paramguru Lahiri Mahasaya carried all the burdens and responsibilities of family life, yet never ceased to commune with the omnipresent Spirit. This great Yogavatar, who introduced Kriya Yoga in India and taught it to all receptive seekers, said that the requisites for spiritual liberation are association with a Christlike soul or meditation on him, fellowship with other spiritual aspirants, and the faithful practice of meditation.
May we all realize the joy of such occasions as this Convocation, and receive such upliftment from these experiences that the darkness of ignorance may be forever dispelled by the beacon light of that joy.
Join us for the 2021 SRF Online World Convocation. With the generous support of SRF members and friends we are offering this week of inspiration and fellowship free of charge, and hope it will provide solace and upliftment during these challenging times. You can register as a SRF/YSS student or as a guest to participate in this special event.
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