The following guided meditation from Paramahansa Yogananda was previously published in Self-Realization magazine in the winter of 2010, as a section of the article “Opening the Heaven That Lies Within Us: Guided Meditations for the Christmas Season.” We hope you can use this guided experience, at Christmastime or any other time of the year, to deepen your understanding and perception of that universal divine love that is perpetually seeking to be awakened within your heart.
Please enjoy this audio recording of this guided meditation, read by a Self-Realization Fellowship monk.
Close your eyes, put your attention on the heart, and feel the greatest love that you ever felt for another person. Let that love saturate every cell of your body.
Now expand the feeling of love, like an encircling sphere embracing your family, friends, all your loved ones.
Feel your love ever-increasing; include in that sphere all the people in your city, then all of your country.
Now everything in the world is bathed in that love. The whole earth, the solar system, the far-flung galaxies and island universes — everything is floating in this vast sphere of love.
Feel, meditate on, merge yourself in that love which permeates and upholds the infinitudes of manifestation — a demonstrable presence of God’s heartbeat of bliss, setting the pace of cosmic harmony and unity, and known to the devotee as the All-in-all fulfillment.
The love felt in the heart at the beginning of this visualization is human love. And the love that expanded until it encompassed everything is the universal love of Christ, the infinite love of God.
Let us this night make the effort to know Him: “Father, come to us, make us feel Thee within.” Close your eyes, and mentally pray that, again and again, deeper and deeper, until you feel you are saying it with your whole soul. “Father, be with us, make Thyself real to us this night.”
Concentrate on the region of the heart and feel great love coming into it. Visualize that love — north, east, south, west — all space is filled with love. The Great Reservoir of Love is right here, within your soul and surrounding you in every direction; but you have never tasted of its silent depths. The heart is the door through which that Love will flow. Concentrate there and say: “Father, open the door of my heart; pour Thy love through that door!” Feel the great love of God is flowing through you, consciously filling your body, mind, and soul, and flooding all humanity and all creatures.
Concentrate on this thought: “Father, be with us as Love; Father, be with us as Love.” Tune your soul; go on directing all your thoughts and feelings into that prayer, just as the conductor of the symphony orchestra leads the musicians in playing and playing until the music reaches a climax. Let not your mind wander; feel yourself in the midst of the joy of that infinite love. “Father, Father, Father, be with us!”
Deepen your concentration; pray again and again: “Father, Father, manifest to us as love, Almighty Love. Open the door of our hearts; open the door of our hearts; open the door of our hearts. Let Thy love flow through; let Thy love flow through; let Thy Christ love flow through. Reveal Thyself to us as Love; flood our consciousness with Thy love, O Glory Divine!”
Now feel you are relaxed, floating on an ocean of love; your body and mind, thoughts and feelings, are all buoyed in Spirit, wafting toward the farthest shores of the universe.
Feel that every being is receiving the vibrations of that Infinite Love that bathes all creation. “Love to all nations and races; love to all creatures; love to all living things.”
“The love that we feel for all, Father, we lay at Thy feet. Almighty Father, the love of friends, the love of those we love, comes from Thee and belongs to Thee, our Father. Teach us to break the boundaries of our human love and feel Thy infinite love.”
May Christ have a Second Coming, within your own consciousness! That is my humble prayer for you today. And I am giving this special blessing to you all, that if you will meditate deeply during the Christmas period, you will feel the presence of Christ....
At this moment I perceive the light of the Infinite Christ, the light of Eternal Spirit. In that light I bless you and baptize you.
May your life, forever awake in Christ Consciousness, be a true messenger of that Light.
More from the SRF blog
January 10, 2025
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I am a new SRF member and just did this meditation in the morning for the first time. I am a Hindu by religion, and have never went to Church or really thought about Jesus Christ. But I was in awe when I saw Jesus Christ calmly floating in my vision just before Gurudev said “you will feel Jesus Christ’s presence”. I got chills all over my body!! Jai Gurudev!!
Thank you for this amazing meditation, very deep and wonderful in the Christmas season.
This wonderful message from Guru encompasses the wide range of Spirit’s love for all creation. I find it easy to love all God’s children’s souls since God is within us all.
Amongst other things, the art accompanying this is stunning. How beautifully evocative! It would be lovely to have more such illustrations alongside these posts :)
Thank you.
Blessed Guruji, thank you, in Christ love. Thank you for making this available to us in this way. Om, peace.
Feeling held by the hand of love & the ocean of light consciousness from the divine father.
Beyond grateful :pray:
Thank you very much to meet my spiritual needs! Love to you all!
Many humble thanks for sharing this blessed meditation. May all peoples experience the awakening of Christ consciousness this Christmas season. Pranams.
Thank you :pray::tone_medium_light: I am grateful for this gift :heart_with_ribbon: I needed it so much.
Very deep and wonderful. I will listen to Brother’s guided meditation over and over. Thank you for this welcome blessing.
Thank you for sharing Christ's light in the Christmas season.
Thank you for this meditation gem. So thankful to be a part of this path.
Guru’s grace Alone! That I can participate and bathe in this divine grace and inspiration. My heart full of gratitude! Jai Guru! I bow again and again to the lotus feet of Shree Gurudev!
Thank you for this deeply moving meditation on love. Om Guru.
Thank you! Glad to have this guided meditation to help me on my journey.
Such a deep, complete meditation. I will cherish it everyday and honor the gift in gratitude and love. Thank you.
Thank you for this amazing meditation. I shall cherish this, and practice it often.
Such a beautiful and warm meditation. Thank you for sharing this blessing.
Thank you all for you love, encouragement and reminding us of the techniques in our search for our Beloved God. As we continue to meditate may we feel the love of Christ and all the Masters urging us on and upward to our goal of our eternal oneness with our Beloved.
Om Christ, Om Christ, Om our Beloved Guru
Thank you so much for sharing this guided meditation! My wife and I just followed it. It was wonderful. Jai Guru!
Exquisitly blissful
That was a lovely reading. I will practice that at Christmas. My partner of 30 years passed away last month and I will pass that love to her.
May the light of the Infinite Christ, the light of Eternal Spirit surround you and yours always..
Om Om Om Amen
Thank you for your presence!
I appreciate your help and your patience with me!
I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers!
Thank you for coming to my life!
I found my way here at a time where my wife and I are struggling to connect. I must learn to allow God’s perfect love work through me at every instance. Thanks for sharing this meditation
Father I love thee, more than all of thy gifts; and I offer this gift, my love to thee.
Es maravilloso poder conectar con la divinidad, es maravilloso sentir el flujo infinito de amor a través de nuestro corazón, es maravilloso sentir a Dios dentro de nosotros.
Gracias, gracias, gracias
Thank you
Listened to this before going to bed tonight. Beautiful and powerful meditation on God’s love. Thank you for this inspiring guided meditation. Om peace shanti.
Praying I will be able to meditate everyday and find the peace I am searching for in Christ and Lord Krishna . Amen
This is absolutely, breathtakingly beautiful— and so perfectly on time for me today! Guru looks after each of us in every moment. I'm so inspired by this month's newsletter and can't wait for the Christmas meditation this year. We are so blessed to be part of Master's global spiritual family!
Sentí las Bendiciones en la Columna Vertebral
Through the special blessings of our beloved Master, may the light of Christ Consciousness, the reflection of Spirit, shine within us all this holy season and forever.
Such a blessing to hear Master's words in this meditation of expansion. Thank You.