SRF minister Brother Satyananda gives a class on Paramahansa Yogananda’s teachings as part of the 2020 SRF Online World Convocation. Brother Satyananda discusses how Yogananda’s guidance can successfully show us ways to navigate the tests and trials of life, and at the same time bring a growing peace and harmony to ourselves and others. This class is part of the Day 3 (Tuesday) schedule for the 2020 Convocation.
Brother Satyananda explains that while this world seems to be increasingly mired in chaos, confusion, and division, Paramahansa Yogananda gave all seekers of truth the tools to rise above any environment they may find themselves in. What are the principles and techniques that will help us? How are we supposed to “live in the world but not of it”? These are the questions explored in this class.
The 2020 Self-Realization Fellowship World Convocation is a week of online classes, meditations, virtual pilgrimages to ashram centers where Yogananda lived, kirtans (devotional chanting), and more—offering all seekers of higher consciousness and balanced spiritual living a unique experience of peace and joy.
This year SRF is honoring the 100th anniversary of Yogananda’s arrival in the West and the beginning of his worldwide work. In celebration of this milestone, the 2020 Convocation—a truly worldwide event—is being offered to all for free.