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How to Get the Most Out of Convocation to Transform Your Life | 2021 SRF World Convocation

Brother Sevananda

Paramahansa Yogananda started the SRF Convocations to give the seeker an opportunity to step aside from the material world — its thoughts, cares, and responsibilities — in order to focus on God. The Convocation experience invariably has a powerful uplifting effect on those who participate, for there is a deep inner joy felt in seeking and loving God with so many other souls from around the world. The integrated program of classes, meditations, video presentations, and virtual pilgrimages to SRF historic sites are designed to help each one of us to gather greater strength, a sense of direction, soul-motivation, and inspiration to make every day a new experience of peace and joy, and a further step toward expressing the divine potential of our souls. As a help to newcomers, basic instructions in meditation will also be given, so they can effectively participate in these group efforts in which we immerse ourselves in the presence of the Divine in and around us.

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