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Guided Meditation on Living Fearlessly


This guided meditation on “Living Fearlessly” uses an affirmation from Paramahansa Yogananda’s book “Living Fearlessly.” Through simple, scientific methods of meditation and affirmation, you can learn the way to expand your consciousness beyond the fears and troubles of the world. Transcend physical and mental limitations to experience the divine security and endless bliss residing within your soul.

Before you begin your meditation, it is important to find a quiet peaceful place where you can be secluded and undisturbed for the duration of the meditation. You may choose to sit on a straight chair or cross-legged on a firm surface. To sit in the correct meditation posture, make sure that your spine is held straight, the chin parallel to the floor, and the body still and relaxed. Close your eyes and gently lift your gaze upward, without straining, to the point between the eyebrows—the seat of concentration, and of the spiritual eye, or divine perception. Leave aside all thoughts of the world and bring the attention within, remembering to keep your gaze focused at the spiritual eye. Let go of all cares and concerns and feel the peace within.